Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Final Weeks Before Ironman Lake Placid

Iron Bird Legs is almost ready to take flight with less than 2 weeks to go until the race.

The last eight weeks of my 30 week training plan for Ironman Lake Placid 2012 have definitely been the peak.  Here's how it's gone:

  • Swimming - Completed 20 hours of the 24 planned, swam 38 miles
  • Biking - Completed 67 hours of the 52 planned, biked 967 miles
  • Running - Completed 41 hours of the 43 planned, ran 271 miles
  • Total - Completed almost 118 hours and logged over 1,276 miles in 8 weeks

I've pretty much kept to the plan and put in a few more biking hours for good measure.  I'm feeling pretty good about how the training has gone and that's a good thing since I can't do anything about it now!

My wife had cool, custom Iron Bird Legs t-shirts made for everyone in the family so I'd be sure to see them as they cheer me on during the race.  That's so cool!

For funny and inspiring story about one race experience at Lake Placid, take a look at this blog post from Sweaty Emily - http://www.sweatonceaday.com/2011/07/ironman-lake-placid-race-report.html

For those of you who'd like to follow the race on Sunday, July 22, you can see live video coverage on the web at www.ironmanlive.com and with my race number #2452 you can track my progress during the race.  If you'd like to learn more about the event, you can explore http://ironmanlakeplacid.com/.  

On Friday we're packing up the minivan and loading it onto the Autotrain to make the trip from Orlando, Florida to Lorton, Virginia.  We'll then take our time and do some sightseeing in Philadelphia and New York City and hang out with my sister and her family in New Jersey before we make the final drive up to Lake Placid.  My friend and training partner, Jill will meet us at Grammie's House the Thursday before the race and we'll all get settled in prior to Sunday.

Then at 7am ET, Sunday July 22, 2012 I'll complete the last 140.6 miles of the journey to become an Ironman.  A 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 mile run and I'm there!

Wish me luck!


  1. Good Luck!! I'll be rooting for you!

  2. Wow! You've done the prep, now you're ready for main event!! I'll be cheering you on, Dave. LOVE the tee-shirts!! Love you.
