Monday, July 6, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me

I'm difficult to buy for, I admit it. But when you let me do my own shopping, you never know what you'll get, but I guarantee I will love it! 

Michelle is very good to me and let me purchase a classic Cannondale tandem bike for my birthday present to myself, but she had to agree to ride it with me and tonight was the night. See video evidence below.

We need some practice and an episode of "Pimp my Tandem" to bring it up to date, but it's a blast. I can't wait to do the Bike MS event with either Caroline or Michelle as the Stoker to my Captain and we'll rock the 150 miles.

More fun to come!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

My New Favorite Bike Shop

While on family trip in Tallahassee, my wife spotted this out the window and we had to stop! We were in a hurry to catch an afternoon movie, but looked around enough to realize this local bike shop was awesome. 

The staff were very friendly, but slightly perplexed as we cased the joint and zeroed in on the Bird Legs bike kit. I was pointed to the changing room and found the jerseys to be cut rather narrowly as compared to my not-so-narrow midsection. I found one that fit and Michelle shouted "Happy Birthday" and rushed to the register in an effort to get the kid outta the candy shop and make the movie, but I grabbed the matching socks and dove to the register just in time to complete the order. Whew! I don't think we spent more than 7 minutes in the store, but the stop was totally worth it.
So if you are ever in Tallahassee, FL, stop into my new favorite bike shop and tell them Ironbirdlegs Dave says "hi". They will have no idea what you're talking about.