Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Next Endurance Challenge - The Birthday Run

It's official, I'm nuts. Or so this is what some of my friends have said when I told them that I was going to run my age (in miles) for my birthday... July Florida.

OK, it is a bit crazy, but not unheard of. I think of it as 4, 10 mile runs with a 5 mile cool down. I've started planning and figure it will take about 10+ hours to complete, including breaks and I'll be starting REALLY early in the morning, or really late depending your perspective in order to beat the Florida daytime heat and humidity.

I'm still working out the route and have started to plan my nutrition strategy. How much and what kinds of food can I eat to replace the calories I'll burning without grossing out on gels or hurling? Not sure yet, need to experiment. Smoothie anyone?

The research I've done on training suggests that I'll be doing a bit of running to get ready for this one! The key seems to be back-to-back long runs that progress in length with some shorter faster runs so you don't settle into a snail-like pace.

I think the keys to success will be a good nutrition plan and arriving at the start line healthy.

I'll keep posting details as I work them out, so check back frequently for the next endurance challenge...the Birthday Run.

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